Baviaanskloof Honey
  • Baviaanskloof Hartland

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Contact Quintis & Anina Bezuidenhout


  • Longitude: 23.91214
  • Latitude: -33.519504
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  • Apiaries / Bee Farm

About Baviaanskloof Honey

Baviaanskloof Honey is produced by hives owned by Quintis Bezuidenhout and bottled on the farm Uitslag.

The honey is made from different flowers of the Succulent Karoo and Fynbos biomes, it is rich in flavor and usually dark of colour. It is bottled raw.

The Bezuidenhouts also produce naturally fermented honey vinegar and honey vinegar salad dressing.

Quintis also recycles his own as well as other beekeeper's wax and rolls wax foundation sheets to supply to beekeepers country wide.

Your hosts, Quintis and Anina Bezuidenhout, look forward to meeting you.

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